

This page is in process. Please check back in a few months.

  • Childhood Beginnings(755 words)
  • Theater: Making Believe(800 words)
  • Academics: Making Belief(1000 words)
  • Here and Now(2500 words)

Princess and the orange. Actually this is a story about a puppet ballet called Love of 3 Oranges...

Three Arrows.

Grandfather's songs.

Dance classes as a kid.


By the time I got to college there was no question: it would be theatre as far as I could see.

Acted, yes, solo-ed, then directed. Dropped out of graduate school to pursue corporeal mime training in Paris. Directed movement school in New Mexico. Etc...


After exploring movement in the theater world, was inspired to return to academics to explore further...

Work in Tortugas.... share a few highlights of your work (not going to find what I was looking for until I return to my roots).

Teaching experiences. Blablabla


A Poem to Buddha and Moshe at 76 


really really really 

 how did you do this life? 

how did you get by? 


listening to my body 


(the words are not coming now) 


The Poem 

as I grow older 

the words do not come as  



breathing calls my attention 

sweet home 


chasing around this  


oh my oh my 

in the rhythm of nature’s body indeed 

in the rhythm of nature’s body -- 

the Pueblo drum 

that Navajo beauty song 



I landed 

ha ha ha 

at the feet of the Buddha 

that silent one 



and – God help me – 

with my Jewish ancestors 

(I don’t believe in God; 

I am after all a JewBu 

not a BuJew) 

Still, Feldenkrais saves me. 


Once a N.Am. 

(that’s Native American) 

student told me 

I wasn’t going to  

find what I was looking 



I went back to my roots 

Ha ha ha! 

Dancing with Miriam 

I found them in Moshe. 


That’s the story of how I ended up 

after making theatre 

after studying beautiful cultures 

(and embodiment theory, of course – 

it’s really good stuff!) 

with Buddha and Moshe. 


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